Command line

This module includes a command line client: pdfimpose, which can be used to impose a PDF document, using one of the imposition schemas.


You can impose file using any schemas with the following command line:

pdfimpose SCHEMA foo.pdf

For instance, to impress your A5 document using saddle stitch (like in magazines), use:

pdfimpose saddle foo.pdf

Each schema have different options. Use pdfimpose SCHEMA --help for more information.

Configuration file

Subcommand apply can be used to store options in a configuration file:

pdfimpose apply [-h] [--schema SCHEMA] [CONF] [PDF ...]
  • CONF is a configuration file, in yaml format (see below);

  • PDF is the file(s) to process;

  • SCHEMA is the imposition schema to use.

Those three arguments are optional: pdfimpose apply is a valid command line:

  • If CONF is missing, a configuration file is searched:

    • pdfimpose.cfg or .pdfimpose.cfg, in the current working directory;

    • the same files, in the parent directory, or grand-parent directory, or…;

    • the same files, in ~/.config;

    • the same files, in the home directory;

    • /etc/pdfimpose.cfg (depending on the operating system).

  • If PDF is missing, it is read from the configuration file (section general, option files).

  • If SCHEMA is missing, it is read from the configuration file (section general, option schema).

For instance, calling pdfimpose apply foo.cfg, where foo.cfg contains:

schema = hardcover
files = foo.pdf bar.pdf

imargin = 1cm
omargin = .5cm

is equivalent to the following command line:

pdfimpose hardcover --imargin 1cm --omargin .5cm foo.pdf bar.pdf