Welcome to `Pdfimpose`'s documentation! ======================================= `pdfimpose` is a library and a command line program to impose a PDF document. According to `Wikipedia `_, "imposition consists in the arrangement of the printed product's pages on the printer's sheet, in order to obtain faster printing, simplify binding and reduce paper waste". .. warning:: - I am not a printing expert (I am not even sure I deserve to be called a printing hobbyist). - English is not my first language. - The few things I inaccurately know about printing, I know them in my first language. Those are three reasons why this documentation might be sometimes unclear. If you have time to spare, I would really appreciate some proofreading. Printing -------- - When ``pdfimpose`` has to guess the size of the output paper, it uses the `A4 format `_. This is an (arbitrary) implementation detail, and might change in future releases. - When printing an imposed PDF, it shall be printed two-sided, the binding edge on the left or right. Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 usage lib Examples -------- * :download:`2024 calendar ` (:download:`source `, see LaTeX source file in sources repository). * Imposition schemas (here are quick examples, more explanation can be found in :ref:`library`): * cards: :download:`examples/cards-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * copycutfold: :download:`examples/copycutfold-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * cutstackfold: :download:`examples/cutstackfold-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * onepagezine: :download:`examples/onepagezine-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * hardcover: :download:`examples/hardcover-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * saddle: :download:`examples/saddle-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `); * wire: :download:`examples/wire-impose.pdf` (:download:`source `). See also -------- I am far from being the first person to implement such an algorithm. I am fond of everything about pre-computer-era printing (roughly, from Gutemberg to the Linotype). Being also a geek, I wondered how to compute how the pages would be arranged on the printer's sheet, and here is the result. Some (free) other implementation of imposition are: - Scribus have `a list `_ of some of those tools - `BookletImposer `_ - `Impose `_ - `PDF::Imposition `_ (Perl module; I got the idea for some of the schemas from here) What might make this software better than other is: - it can perform on arbitrary paper size; - it can perform several different imposition schemas, without any assumption on folds number. Download and install -------------------- See the `main project page `_ for instructions, and `changelog `_. Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`